
Field equipment
- Gravity corers (UWITEC)
- Ekman grab
- Sequential sediment traps (TECHNICAP)
- Multiparameter sonde (YSI)
- Water samplers
- Echosounders
- Rubber boats

Initial analyses
- Mechanical core splitter
- Equipment for high-resolution digital photography
- Tools for precise subsampling
- Cold room (+4°C) for the storage of sediment cores

- Alpha spectrometer (Canberra)
- Gamma spectrometer with HPGe well-type detector (Canberra)
- Petrographic microscopes (Nikon and Zeiss)

- Micro-XRF Spectrometer M4 Tornado (Bruker)
- Hyperspectral (VNIR) Single Core Scanner (Specim)
- UV-Vis spectrophotometer (Shimadzu)
- CNS analyzer (Elementar)
- soliTIC apparatus (Elementar)
- Spectrophotometer Spectroquant 600 (Merck)
- Microwave digestion system (CEM)
- Freeze dryer (LABCONCO)
- Fume hood certified for HF (Köttermann)
- Drying chamber (BINDER)
- Muffle furnace (Nabertherm)